Monday, August 9, 2010

The sweetest half full cup of coffee I'll ever have

This past April, my birthday present from Big Love paid hommage to the Gilmore Girls and my love of them. One Dragonfly Inn t-shirt, a replacement for the "Everything I need to know I learned from the Gilmores" tshirt he had shrunk, and a coffee cup. I had to explain the irony of the caption on the cup to Big Love and then he chuckled. I can honestly say that despite two visitor's attempts, no one else has used this cup and it is the only one I drink my coffee out of! If I don't have girlfriends here to have coffee with, I'll make believe I do!
Lately Big Love has been making coffee for me in the mornings. You might think this isn't a big deal but when the guy doesn't drink coffee himself, except for the occasional mocha which he sucks back like it is oxygen, it really is a treat. A simple romantic gesture.

The day before we left for our latest trip to Montreal, I was down to one tablespoon of beans. I was fine with that because I planned to hop in the car early the next morning and get my coffee on the road, forgetting that I would need some coffee that day. To my surprise, the coffee was made and as I started to pour myself a cup I realized that it was done before I started. I only had half a cup. So I turned to Big Love, asked why he made such a small portion and received this response: "I figured that it would be better to have a small amount of stronger coffee than an entire pot of weak ass coffee." He was so right! And indeed that half cup was strong. So I filled it up with some water and had a perfectly balanced, full cup of coffee that morning!

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