We went to Keystone State Park on Monday and returned Friday. It's a great time of year to rent their modern cabins (or in any Pennsylvania State Park for that matter) because during the week they're freakin' cheap! One thing that can suck at this time of year is the weather.
We drove in drizzle and rain all the way, stopping in a city to get some supplies from Trader Joe's. After I rocked Sweet One to sleep (we had some sleeping issues while we were there), I found the silence from lack of computer and/or TV staggering. At the same time, I knew it would be good for me and my tendency to turn on the boob tube and disappear for an hour or so. Tuesday and Wednesday were also cold and drizzly. We were so desperate to get out of the cabin to entertain Sweet One that we hopped in the car Wednesday morning and went to the nearby Walmart!
Luckily we woke to blue skies and sun Thursday morning or I might have lost my mind. We went hiking and Sweet One climbed the trails to 250 feet higher in altitude than where we began. After this she made me carry her all the way down - Daddy could not help! - and proceeded to do everything in her power to fall asleep. I was successful and kept her awake but it did take some juggling! In the afternoon we went to the lakeshore and Sweet One filled as much time as she could throwing rocks into the lake. It was amazing how much she liked that.
Our moments of luxury were went Big Love and I ate one piece of cheesecake every night. Thanks to Trader Joe's and their Chocolate Dilemma we had a different flavor every night! My god was that cheesecake much better than we had anticipated.
Leaving Friday was bittersweet as the sun was out even stronger than Thursday but this body could not handle another night on that bed. It was wonderful to get away from everything and despite the shitty weather we're glad we went.
On Monday we go and sign the papers on our 2010 Rav4 that we ended up buying a month earlier than we expected because of a low interest rate. After stuffing our civic as full as we possibly could we know it is time to trade it in for something more spacious as our family gets bigger.