My niece and nephew sure do require a lot of energy to be around but as their aunt I only remember the really cute things. Such as my nephew crawling up on my sister's or my mother's lap whenever they were holding Sweet One. My mom kissed Sweet One and my nephew grabbed her cheeked and said "Grandma, kiss me". So unbelievably adorable! Just before we left my stepfather was taking some pictures of us all when we heard a plan above. My nephew immediately said "Mom, pane" and started looking around. The day or so before we were able to watch the yellow plane that my sister was taking her lessons in fly over the house a few times. It was really neat and I was so proud of her. I guess her son is, too!
The last night we were there we awoke at 130 am because the house 50 feet away was burning. The entire household, as well as neighboring houses for all of the cul-de-sac and most of the block, were evacuated as electrical transformers were blowing. A little more drama than we had all hoped for but two hours later we were back in the house. Being back at home, our neighbor has a little fire pit and when he has things burning it reminds both Big Love and I of that night.
As we left the place of some of my greatest childhood memories, I could not shake the feeling that it was probably the last time I would see my Grandma and her house. I'm not sure why and perhaps I'll be proven wrong in a few years, but it was a very prominent feeling for me.
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