Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Proof my husband is full of shit

It is absolutely gorgeous outside. Close to 70F/20C with the sun brilliantly shining. It has also been a better day for Sweet One with two 1.5 hour naps and her fever coming down gradually. I do wish she'd eat more solid foods but I'm just giving her as much as she will eat and that's the best we can do.

Big Love had been putting in extra hours at work for the past week because of a concert he had last night and so decided to come home for a few hours this afternoon. I took the opportunity to mow the lawn and rake some leaves while he played outside with Sweet One. Near the end of our time, Sweet One's soother (yes, if she's sick we let her have it whenever she wants) fell onto the lawn. A minute or two later this conversation happened.

Big Love: "Your soother fell out again. Where did it go?"
mamabird: "You didn't put the soother back in her mouth after it fell on the ground, did you?"

"Are you saying that so I won't get mad and you actually did?"

"Do you lick the ground?"
"I worship the ground you walk on."

"But would you lick it? The ground."
"If you walked on it I would."

"But would you suck it?"
"If you walked on it I would."
"You're so full of shit."

Honestly, I am not embellishing whatsoever, folks.

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