Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First trip as a single parent

I bought health insurance for the few days we'll be in Canada and fell under the category of Single Parent. That was weird.

As per my usual routine I am very anxious about this trip and my abilities to get Sweet One and I to and from Montreal smoothly. Despite the fact that the majority of our trip will be on a train and all I will have to do is entertain her. I'm excited to go but terrified of doing this alone. I think all the more better to be doing this trip. I worried about the summer vacations and once we were en route all was well and so I trust that this will happen again.

I'm tired. My mind is not working and so I must sleep so that driving to the hotel this evening will be safe! Then it's early in the morning onto the train.

Bon voyage.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, totally jealous of the train trip!!!! i wnat to do that! have a great time and you'll be fine! :)


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