Friday, September 18, 2009

Wardrobe worries

It is 11:39am and I am still needing to get myself dressed. My daughter is napping (she's been whiny for the first time ever today!), the main floor is vacuumed and the kitchen floor is washed and so it's not like I've been lazing around.

I hate trying to figure out what to wear these days. I look in my drawers and closet and if it isn't too big it is frumpy, or poor quality. I absolutely hate it! With the fall season approaching I am in need of new shirts because the milk factory won't fit into my pre-pregnancy shirts and I've got another 4 months to go. (I was a lot smaller then than I thought.) Shopping doesn't exactly inspire happy thoughts for me, either. I find it impossible to find affordable clothes that are a decent quality and make me feel like me. (After our recent investment at the vet, I'm not too excited about spending money in general.) Maybe Stacy and Clinton will be at my door the next time the doorbell rings!

When I was trying to think of all the things that pregnancy and having a new baby would entail, I don't think I imagined just how much money would be needed for buying clothes at all the postpartum stages.

2:44pm. It's Big Love's day off and so he took Sweet One for a walk while I napped. She loves the Snugli! She has her hat and sunglasses on it and all you can hear is brrrrr, yayayay, yaaaaaaa. I've had people smiling from across the street because they can hear her and today a woman stopped her car to tell Big Love how cute she is! She's sleeping again - so tired today. I'm having some quiet time and so I went to The Basement which I think is an amazing place for women to put stuff out there. I only learned about it in the past week or so. After reading the most recent post, one that I can relate to in terms of cold turkey off of antidepressants, I feel like a complete asshole for being so upset because I feel ugly everyday!

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