Sunday, September 6, 2009

Travel help needed

So here's where I need a little help and so I'm putting it out there. Big Love is taking his final week of holidays over the Halloween weekend. At this point we're thinking Philly or Baltimore for a couple of days and then maybe Chesapeake Bay. It can not be too expensive and it has to be baby-friendly. I'm wondering if anyone out there has any ideas about where a good place to stay would be and what some things would be good to do. The only thing I hate about exploring new places is that you can spend hours trying to figure out what to do before you realize half your day is done and you haven't done a damn thing!

1 comment:

  1. We live south of Baltimore, so I'm not sure of good, inexpensive places to stay nearby unless you are willing to camp (and it might be a bit cold that late in October). There are tons of things to do around here that are fun. Downtown Baltimore can fill a day or two (D.C. can fill a lot more days) and you can visit the Bay too. When we vacation we often head to southern Maryland; Calvert an St. Mary's counties. I love St. Mary's City (they aren't open every day though)and we have hiked to Calvert Cliffs with babies/small children several times (2-3 mile hike I think). There are supposed to be nice places to stay on Soloman's Island, but I'm not sure about prices.

    Heading out to the DelMarVa pennusula is fun too, but I've never stayed overnight. St. Michael's is a nice little town to visit, and hubby and I were married at an inn in Oxford Md (expensive per night though).

    Have fun planning!


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